LEGACY: Smelling Roses

Flowers 172

One of the great sayings that came out of the 1980’s was to “stop and smell the roses.”

It’s a wisdom for the ages. When life gets too filled with busy-ness, sometimes we need to stop and simply enjoy the beauty around us.

Life absolutely is a gift. God wants us to enjoy this one and only life we have here on planet Earth. But we are meant to do more than just enjoy it. Our life isn’t just about ourselves.

My life isn’t just about me, my wishes, what I want, what will fulfill me. Me, me, me.

Yes, God wants us to experience and grow, learn and have fun. But He also wants us to share our lives with other people who are living on planet Earth.

Sometimes that means we stop and smell the roses.

Sometimes that means stopping to pick a bouquet to take to someone who may never have smelled roses themselves; or doesn’t have time to stop; or is unable to reach the roses; or who has been pricked by a thorn in the past.

Sometimes that means we plant roses to grow after we are long gone, leaving behind something we do that makes the planet Earth better for having lived in it.

Thinking about roses always reminds me of Jesus. In the Song of Solomon, we read:

I am the rose of Sharon; a lily of the valleys (Song of Solomon 2:1)

Many Bible scholars believe that this verse refers symbolically and as an analogy to Jesus as the rose of Sharon. That makes it even more meaningful to:

  1. Stop and spend time with Jesus

  2. Share Jesus with others who may not know Him

  3. Live a life for Christ, leave a legacy of faith for him; plant seeds of faith in others

Do you have roses in your life today? Do you need some? What will you do when you find them?